24 Hour Service Repair

TEXT 6AM - 6PM (Monday - Friday)
You will need an SMS app or to use your phone for text
Lee Thumbnail TEXT LEE

Call Lee - 920-538-5102

We are here for you with our 24 hour service on welding products. We know your tools are your lively hood so we have committed to real customer service and do our best to get you back in business in 24 hours or less when you ship us your product for repair. Once it arrives we will get it repaired, boxed and ready to ship back to you in 24 hours. We promise to do our very best to get your products back in your hands as soon as we can. 

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Our commitment is to provide you with the highest quality products and the best value in the mobile tool industry. Thank you for your continued support of Cornwell Quality Tools and our franchise owners.
667 Seville Rd., Wadsworth OH 44281
Tel: 330-336-3506 | 1-800-321-8356
Fax: 330-336-33371
© 2019 Cornwell Quality Tools. All Rights Reserved..
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